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Interactive navigation is a tool that goes beyond the standard navigation of the integrated content (available in the report drop-down bar). New approach allowed to navigate in the two additional business dimensions of the PZU Group, i.e .:
- strategy (insurance, health, investments, finances);
- sustainable development (sales, employees, social responsibility, natural environment and ethics).
The above-mentioned areas were additionally supplemented with related GRI indicators, within each selected issue.

Employee development

Annual Report 2018 > BUSINESS > EMPLOYEE > Employee development
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Best Pratices in PZU

Nasza wiedza i pomysły - “we protect all our resources, including information constituting the PZU Group’s intellectual property. Databases, registers and archives are managed in accordance with the law and the PZU Group’s internal regulations. Intellectual resources form an exceptional value in the company.They set us apart on the market, they feed into our unrivaled product offer and they form the basis for the PZU Group’s market successes. That is why we afford special protection to them. We are conscious that their partial or total loss could lead to clients losing trust in the PZU Group, or to a breach of reputation.”

Anna Barbara Wróbel“We are changing to attract the best employees from the market. We are streamlining our remuneration policy. We will develop our individually aligned development and career path programs. We are already implementing the #YouCreatePZU and #NowYou pilot programs. We are focused on creating an engaging work environment and close cooperation between HR competences and business.”

Anna Barbara Wróbel, Director of Organizational Development in PZU and PZU Życie

Most of the PZU Group companies have implemented dedicated procedures and principles related to planning and organization of training and all development activities for employees.

The PZU Group strives to be an employer that gives its employees above-average and flexible development opportunities at an individual and team level and at the level of the overall organization. In planning its development activities it frames them in the context of its strategic business objectives and attaches great importance to selecting optimum forms of development. They contribute to work productivity and employee engagement in the long-run.

The approach to comprehensive development developed in the PZU Group is based on organizing general corporate activities dedicated to various employee groups and individually addressed activities. Training courses and workshops are frequently supplemented with activities which employees do on their own before a training course (form of preparation) and after its completion (mastering knowledge, exercising skills). Enriching traditional training schools with modern solutions such as e-learning, webinars and virtual reality means that the educational offer is ever more attractive, and more widely accessible to employees.

PZU’s priority is to take care of effective knowledge management in the organization - maintain, share and utilize it across areas. That is why more and more frequently managers and specialists are engaged in internal development activities as authors of training programs, educational materials and internal trainers.

Forms of development support available in PZU

general corporate dedicated on-line individual
#TyTworzyszPZU program [#YouCreatePZU] New manager Workshops and skills training sessions Talent development programs (e.g. the program for sales employees called #TerazTy [#NowYou]) Facilitation of team work (including graphic facilitation and solutions involiving rivalry through games) E-learning courses Educational and interactive animations pdf files / infographics Webinars Video materials with internal experts   Support during on-boarding, mentoring Coaching Educational subsidies (post-graduate courses) Consultations with an expert/trainer Participation in open training courses / workshops and conferences


The Bank Pekao Group does not have a joint policy for all its companies; however, employee training and development procedures and training instructions have been rolled out. Regulations are being implemented and pursued according to the legal regulations, including ones referring to the capital market.

The Alior Bank Group has not implemented a joint policy. Employee training programs, in addition to training policies, are delivered on soft skills and hard and technical skills in various companies.

Training plans are run for a given financial year in PZU Zdrowie and its subsidiaries while giving consideration to internal and external training. Detailed procedures, depending on the company, are specified in various documents, i.a. in the Collective Bargaining Agreement or Human Resource Management Procedure.

Additionally, rules for the organization and financing of training and development activities for employees are in force in all the companies.

“What the company offers its employees to raise their qualifications, i.e. mentoring and skills improvement programs should be pictured.” Expectation from the dialogue session.”

Comment made during a dialogue session

Average number of training hours per employee by gender in PZU and PZU Życie (data presented collectively) in 20184

  Women Men
Total number of training hours 149,909 99,939
Number of employees 6056 3,959
Average number of training hours 24.8 25.2

Average number of training days per employee hired under an employment contract in the Bank Pekao Group is 4.08.

Average number of training hours per employee by structure of employment in PZU and PZU Życie (data presented collectively) in 2018

Structure of employment Total number of employees Total number of training hours Average number of training hours
Management5 1670 23,374 14.0
Other employees 8,345 226,475 27.1

All employees in PZU and PZU Życie to whom bonus systems apply undergo thereunder regular job quality assessments (annually and quarterly).

Percentage of employees subject to regular assessments of work quality and professional development by gender

Structure of employment  Percentage of all employees subject to assessment in PZU by gender Percentage of all employees subject to assessment in PZU Życie by gender
Women Men Women Men
Representatives of the Management Board 100% 100% 100% 100%
Management 100% 100% 100% 100%
Other employees 100% 100% 100% 100%

Regular assessment of the level of attaining objectives and the quality of work makes it possible to verify developmental needs and the action plans focused on developing specialist knowledge to help employees achieve their business objectives and interpersonal and managerial competences – indispensable to engage in effect cooperation.

A development program called New Manager has been prepared with people in mind who are taking up managerial positions in the PZU Group for the very first time. The program’s goal is to aquaint the people with the expectations placed on managers in PZU in terms of their management style and competences (in this manner the Group shapes the desired leadership model). During workshops managers are trained on key managerial competences, inter alia, on providing constructive feedback, holding talks with reports, task management and planning a team’s work. The traditional formula for training is embellished with webinars, teleclasses in micro groups and online tasks.

68 people took part in the New Manager course in 2018.

PZU management may also take advantage of an individual form of support in development, namely a coaching program. External coaches and PZU employees with the appropriate training and experience administer this program.

Coaching is dedicated above all to managers during a time of change, when it is necessary to develop work productivity or devise new solutions. The decision to select this form of development is examined in every case in PZU with the interested person, his or her boss and the HR Business Partner. The interest in coaching is growing from year to year, while new groups of employees, also ones who are not managers voice their demand for this form of development.

The #YouCreatePZU program inspired by the Management 3.0 idea rounds out the training activities regularly conducted in PZU. It is run in the form of regular one-day-long workshops. The topic of the workshops refers to the competences whose development underpins strategy execution and advances innovation, entrepreneurship and team work.

This program aims to augment employee engagement by supporting employees in personal development. It acts as an invitation to co-create the organization by showing that every employee can exert an influence on his or her place of work and may cultivate his or her strengths while simultaneously attaining the organization’s business objectives. The fact that the workshops are run by internal experts and trainers merits attention. This expands the opportunities to develop the program in such a manner that it will contribute to forging a lasting community of employees and a platform for sharing knowledge and best practices. The program is dedicated to all employees from all areas and from all locations in Poland, thereby contributing to developing cooperation across business areas. In 2018 nearly 500 employees took part in the program while classes were held in nine venues. The #YouCreatePZU workshops made it possible, among other things, to build a contact network and share experience in employee groups from different organizational units.


The #NowYou program has been prepared for employees of the PZU Sales Division.

This program was crafted by practitioners. 31 ambassadors from 13 Sales Areas working on a daily basis at specialist and managerial positions and a 14-person project team from the company’s head office and sales directors got involved in the process. #NowYou expands salespersons’ competences at an expert and managerial level. It is a voluntary program for people who want to improve their qualifications, gain new skills and get to know other areas of the PZU Group’s business.

Sales Division employees can choose from two development paths: expert or managerial paths. All the participants take part in three qualification stages with each one lasting four months. Compulsory tasks are the basis for passing; in addition, facultative tasks also give points. The #NowYou offer includes, among others, external training, e-learning, webinars and workshops run by PZU Group experts.

The program was launched in 2018, and after completing the qualification stage in 2019, the winners will be selected to participate in a special two-year program. An individual development plan in PZU realized with the support of superiors awaits the best. Profile post-graduate course of study will act as a supplement to the program.

4 Estimated data on account of not compiling statistics in this area. Data presented as FTEs.
5 Persons under a management contract are not employees of PZU hired under an employment contract.

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